Amber Black
1 min readJun 12, 2020


Dave, I see NOTHING wrong with children's or other entertainment modeling the world we wish. Art and entertainment is powerful in that regard.

It's also powerful when it reflects the world that IS, noting its flaws and the work that needs to be done to get to the world we wish for.

This essay was not a knock to Sesame Street of Free to Be You and Me - I hope it doesn't read that way. I LOVE that those vehicles lovingly modeled the world I'd like to live in.

Now, as an adult, I realize that we're not there. But SS and FtBYaM showed me what "there" could look like, and hopefully, will.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts!



Amber Black

Valley girl from the wilds of western MA. Music lover, art appreciator, connoisseur of irony, hilarity, spunk. Paddler. passthesongpassthehat@gmail